Site icon The Cassie Hines Shoes Cancer Foundation

Kokolulu Farm and Cancer Retreats

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Kokolulu Farm and Cancer Retreats have year round programs that focus on yoga, massage, and breathing techniques.

Location: Hawi, Hawaii

Duration: Five (5) days & four (4) nights

Age: Age: 18 years and older (not limited to young adults)

Cost: $3500; Kokolulu Farm & Cancer Retreats has sponsored scholarships available (for those who qualify). This cost does NOT include airfare.

Description: The group retreats include in-depth workshops designed to help the young adult take control of their healing journey and diagnosis, plus lodging and meals. Some of the workshops include, “Using your cancer diagnosis as an event to redesign your life”, “Building your social network”, and “Living an authentic life- What is it for me?”.

Apply here! Call (808) 889-9893 or email for more information.

CHSCF Travel Assistance

Been accepted to this camp? See if you qualify for travel assistance from CHSCF by visiting our Travel Assistance page via the Learn More button.

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