Site icon The Cassie Hines Shoes Cancer Foundation

Survive & Thrive Expeditions

Survive and Thrive logoSurvive & Thrive Expeditions is dedicated to combining travel, adventure and in-depth reflection and exploration of the cancer journey into one unique life changing experience. These trips are designed for those touched by cancer to reflect, refocus and rebuild their lives… along with having an incredible once in a life time experience with awesome people!

Location: Varies based on the expedition

Duration: Normally one (1) week

Age: 18-39ish

Cost: Varies based on the expedition.

Description: Survive & Thrive combines travel and adventure in some of the most breathtaking parts of North America creating an environment where you will find peace, share stories and have tons of fun along the way.

Benefit: Survive & Thrive empowers the young adults to refocus their life after diagnosis and rebuild themselves ready to embrace a full life ahead. S&T encourages you to bring a friend or caregiver along to experience the journey of a lifetime!

Participants will be required to pay or fundraise all, or a portion of their own expedition fees and travel expenses in order to come on an expedition. Survive and Thrive believes this creates ownership and demonstrates intent to really get the most out of the program.

Apply here: Survive & Thrive

Forms and Documents

The following form is available for download, and will be needed for sign up:

CHSCF Travel Assistance

Been accepted to this camp? See if you qualify for travel assistance from CHSCF by visiting our Travel Assistance page via the Learn More button.

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