CHSCF Travel Assistance

You are under 40 years old and have been accepted to a cancer camp or are registered for a conference!
Everything is pretty simple from here. Just click on the appropriate tab below to learn more about the requirements to complete the process!
- I have been accepted to a YA Experience featured on the CHSCF website.
- I may have traveled with CHSCF Travel Assistance before, but I have not been to the program I am requesting travel assistance to.(max 2 travel assists, Including Base2Summit travel)
- I have been accepted to a YA Experience featured on the CHSCF website.
- I have not traveled with CHSCF Travel Assistance before.
- I’m a US Citizen traveling to a US camp.
If you said YES to those camp bullets, then fill out our Travel Assistance Application. The Medical release form is only necessary if you prefer we don’t connect with the program of your choice regarding your medical ability to fly.
Keep these things in mind for travel to all Young Adult camps:
- All forms must be received in the CHSCF office at least FOUR WEEKS prior to your departure date. We have some red tape to cut through before we can ticket you and we need some time. If all of your forms are not received before the deadline you WILL NOT be eligible for travel assistance.
- If you’ve sent in your forms and have not heard from us in 72 hours email: or call 586-322-0991 to check on your status.
- We do not reimburse for flights purchased by any third party.
- Remember, all travel is based on our funding so apply ASAP!!
If you have questions regarding the travel process email:
- I was diagnosed between 16-35 (meaning you can be over 35 now but were diagnosed within that window)
- I live in Michigan and l will be leaving from a Michigan airport.
- I have NOT traveled to this conference with CHSCF Travel Assistance before.
- I have a registration receipt from the conference of my choice.
If you said YES to those conference bullets, then fill out our Travel Assistance Application AND Medical Release Form below.
Keep these things in mind for Conferences:
- We don’t supply meals, conference fees or arrange or pay for airport transfer or hotel costs. Our assistance is limited to airfare only.
- All applications are reviewed and confirmed based on application date, meeting all criteria and funding is available.
- Your completed Travel Assistance Application and Medical Release Form must be submitted at least 30 prior to travel. We only fund for travel one time to any approved conference, this is your one shot!
- All forms must be received in the CHSCF office at least 30 days prior to your departure date. We have some red tape to cut through before we can ticket you and we need some time. If all of your forms are not received before the deadline you WILL NOT be eligible for travel assistance.
- If you’ve sent in your forms and have not heard from us in 72 hours email: or call 586-322-0991 to check on your status.
- We do not reimburse for flights purchased by any third party. No Exceptions!
- Remember, All travel is based on our funding so apply ASAP!!
Send your completed forms to us in one of 2 ways:
- Scan and email to:
- Fax to: 586-232-1273
Forms and Documents
The following form is available for download, and will be needed for sign up: